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How to use LinkedIn to hyper-target your Facebook

I ‘m probably not telling you anything new when I tell you that one of the main keys to a Facebook Ads campaign is proper segmentation. In the past, there were many possibilities for hyper-precise targeting , but these options are no longer available today. segment Facebook LinkedInPhoto rights by Fotolia The problems of segmenting by interests on Facebook If you don’t have databases to create custom audiences, the only thing you have at your disposal is segmentation through interests . Facebook obtains these through the “Likes” of its users. The system in general tends to have some

disadvantages Not everyone

likes their real interests, but it may be a favor to a friend who just launched their page. Even though you “really” like a page, it doesn’t mean that you are interested in the topic. For example, you can “like” a page related to women’s football because you are a parent, partner of a member of the team, or because you have a special attraction iraq whatsapp number data for a player. If you now put yourself on the side of the advertiser who launches a campaign for his online store segmenting by the interest “women’s football” he is reaching women or female footballers but also their fathers, mothers, boyfriends and admirers.


whatsapp data


These are definitely not potential

customers of the advertiser. On the other hand, if you are able to rule out these scenarios, the results can be very good. For very specific niches below 10,000 people, I am achieving a cost per engagement and click of 1-2 cents. Unfortunately, this is the exception to the rule. What LinkedIn can do to improve targeting LinkedIn is an extraordinary buying house b channel to reach niches and very specific industries. Especially in B2B ( business-to-business ) markets, the combination with Facebook can be very powerful. For B2C ( business-to-consumer ) markets, the direct route makes more sense. In markets with very high margins, LinkedIn Ads can even serve as an internal advertising platform.


The cost per click is usually much higher

but if the product meets the aforementioned characteristic, it may make sense to use this channel as well. The key is to create custom audiences and lookalike audiences based on your LinkedIn connections . You can export these from your using low quality images account and upload them as an audience to Facebook. Why is this useful? Let’s say you’re in the biotechnology sector and your company sells a machine for performing advanced analysis within a defined process that saves thousands of euros because it shortens the development time for new products. It’s such a specific niche that Facebook Ads aren’t going to serve as a direct channel.


However, they can be useful if

you’re able to reach exactly the 100-200 relevant people in the sector. To do this, you need these people to have accepted your contact request. Export LinkedIn contacts via CSV file Export LinkedIn contacts via CSV file You need at least 100 LinkedIn contacts from the same country to do this. Similar audiences expand the number of people based on the interests of the base group. For very specific niches like the one I mentioned above, I don’t recommend it because it could dilute the quality of the targeting too much .

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