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How to Request Feedback in an Email

Of course, the key goal of almost any communication in business will be to increase sales, but this goal can be achieved in different ways. In the case of e-mail newsletters, intrusive calls to buy as soon as possible do not work.

Email marketing is largely focused on building israel phone number list trust with your audience, taking care of your customers, and increasing brand awareness.

Tasks that e-mail newsletters solve :

  • Motivation to perform targeted actions.
  • Attracting traffic.
  • Distribute content and demonstrate expertise.
  • Increase brand awareness and increase audience loyalty.
  • Community building.
  • Stimulating repeat sales.
  • Return of “sleeping” clients.

Another task that e-mail newsletters help solve is customer feedback . Many companies ignore this opportunity, and in vain: e-mail newsletters are great at collecting feedback.

Reviews will tell about the impressions. How to Request and expectations of your audience, help to learn about problems and find points for improving the product. And also – with the right approach – will help in its promotion. Special tools, for example, widgets from SmartWidgets ,    allow you to add reviews from third-party sites to the company’s website.

More : direct marketing tools

What tasks do e-mail newsletters solve?

As usual, we start with the title, and in this case it is better to immediately tell the recipient what we want from them, for example: “Olga, your opinion is important to us .” The letter with the request for feedback is also designed in the uniform style of your mailing, and its structure is usually as follows :

  • Remind the customer about a product purchase line data or other interaction.
  • Thank you for choosing our company.
  • We ask you to share your opinion and briefly explain why customer feedback is so important to the company.
  • We attach the survey itself or a link.

Of course, it will be much more convenient if the client does not have to follow external links, but can rate the product or add a review directly in the letter itself. The chances that the client will share their opinion with this format are much higher.

How else to convince customers to leave reviews?

  • Identify the recipients. At the beginning of the letter. How to Request address the client by name, and not just “Dear client!”, this immediately reduces the distance. You can also add a loyalty card number, order details or other information about the purchase. This will convince the client that this is not another advertising offer, and the company is really interested in his opinion.
  • Consider additional motivation. As an incentive, you can use bonuses for leaving a review, offer clients a discount coupon, a gift certificate ( for example, provide access to a service or course ), etc.
  • Create a review structure. For many users, leaving a review will be much easier if there is a ready-made structure. A rather than just an empty field. You can offer to fill in the fields “How did you hear about our product/company”, “Product advantages”, “Quality of service”, “What would you like to improve”, “Did the product meet your expectations”.

Offer questions that will turn almost any review into a sales one : this way you will not only find out your customers’ opinions about the product, but also use an additional way to promote it.

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