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How to plan your Inbound Marketing strategy

Juliana Monacchi
Juliana Monacchi
Content Manager at @FromDoppler. He loves reading, travelling,  updated 2024 mobile phone number data and going to the theatre. He dreams of learning to play the drums.

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How to plan your Inbound Marketing strategy

Content Marketing allows you to attract visitors to your website and convert them into customers. Discover the keys to creating the perfect strategy in the amazing Doppler Academy .

Today, Inbound Marketing

has become the methodology used par excellence to conquer target audiences and convert them into loyal brand customers .

This is a non-intrusive technique in which the user is the one who finds the brand, leaving aside Outbound Marketing, in which the attempt is made to reach the customer in a more commercial way and which is often not of interest to them.

On Wednesday, November 2, Lucas García , CEO and Founder of Socialmood , revealed all the keys to design, implement and measure an Inbound Marketing strategy that exponentially grows your client portfolio. If you were unable to access the Webinar or want to refresh some ideas, here is the recording!


What is Inbound Marketing?

Lucas explained the concept by emphasizing that the basis of  hubSpot’s new al feature this philosophy is to define a Pull strategy , as opposed to the classic Push strategy. That is, waiting for the user to find you, instead of going after them.

It is about leaving aside the product or service you sell, to focus on the interests and needs of your target audience .

It is a long- or medium-term race in which you provide valuable content to the person throughout snbd host  their purchasing cycle so that, when they have the specific need to acquire the product or service you offer, they remember your brand .

The important thing is to generate trust in the user through the valuable content you offer. Lucas concluded this section by adding:

“The key is to find the middle ground between how I can talk about my brand, talking about what the user needs.”

Understanding the target before creating the content
Lucas then focused on the importance of understanding the public’s motivations in order to offer them quality material in line with their interests.

Thus, he pointed out 3 key factors that you should consider before creating your content.

1- What people are online for : Learning, having fun and socializing. The number of times someone goes online to buy something compared to these 3 circumstances is tiny. So don’t create content focused solely on your product, but rather leverage what people are looking for. Does the material generate.

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