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You Can See Relevance and

As you can see relevance and thinking about the searcher intent are both very powerful and important factors in improving results. Focus on high-performing keywords how do you know if a keyword is high-performing? This of course depends on your goals and what or which kpis are important to you. For christie, she believes that ctr and conversion rate are two very important metrics that determine if her campaign is successful. Knowing this, I dug into the historical performance of her keywords to see which ones really stand out.

Broad Match Keyword Snowsuit Rental

The broad match keyword snowsuit rental has a ctr of . And a quality score of .. This keyword alone really dominates her account. High-performing keywords so what does this tell me? A few things – maybe we want to create an entire ad group around the keyword snowsuit rental. This will allow us to focus on this all-star keyword and get more conversions and business from it. In the new ad group, christie wants some variations of that keyword and creates some ads that are super relevant to that keyword.

The Headline Will Be Rent a Snowsuit Today

So the headline will be Rent a snowsuit today or Snowsuit rental online. usually once I have identifi a great keyword, I like to use a tier bidding strategy for that term. Tier bidding is when you bid on the same keyword across all four match types. The more restrictive the match types, the more you want to bid because the quality of your traffic will improve. For example I might bid on snowsuit rentals like this exactphrase chinese in america modifibroadwhy bid highest on exact? Roi is usually much higher because you know exactly what the searcher is looking for compar to broad match which is easier to interpret as it includes close variations.

special database

With Broad Match the Volume

However with broad match the volume will be much higher. Progress build negative keyword list this should be a no-brainer but con employer branding campaign – what to remember? tinually building and monitoring your negative keyword list will help to significantly ruce costs and improve results especially when using wider match types! .If negatives are not set up correctly it is easy to waste a lot of money on searches that are irrelevant to your business. Christy uses a lot of broad and modifi broad match keywords so this will continue to be an area of ​​focus for us and something I teach christy to incorporate into her workflow.

Most Effective Way to Identify

The most effective way to ide database d ntify negatives is of course to see what people are actually typing in to make your ad appear. Luckily there are tools that can do this! The tool provides actual search query data that can be us to identify and set single or multi-word negatives. Add keywords to your account that you may want to bid on or even create entirely new ad groups bas on the searches she is seeing.

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