Take a look at the screenshot from Google’s presentation: We see a search query “good bike for a 5 mile commute with hills”, which means “a good bike for a 5-mile ride on hills”. That is, the query is more of an informational nature, but the products are also displayed. Therefore, I can assume that for queries like “the best shampoos for oily hair” or “the best 30-liter backpacks”, the AI will also display relevant product options along with information. Regular SEO will continue to work, I wouldn’t worry too much about that. But obviously the quality of the content on your site will play an even more important role now.
Content, content and more content.
Here we note two important india phone number library points at once. Integrating AI into search will be a major blow to parasitic sites that generated large amounts of low-quality but optimized content to reach the top of search results. Google will simply not link to them. The blow may also be dealt to real experts who create quality content but do not know how to properly optimize it for AI. Google is currently learning from them, but at the same time may not give them traffic. We are likely seeing the beginning of the end of style content and product filter pages.
Google itself will learn to compile product.
Selections and filter them based on user requests. There will simply be no point in redirecting users to such pages. Who will benefit from the introduction of AI into Google search? In our subjective opinion, the following categories of sites will benefit in the long term: Mono brands are ideal candidates for AI links in search results. Product and service pages that will be sufficiently optimized for AI. Doorways optimized for AI. and online stores get another source of managers and professionals in the world traffic thanks to AI.
And warm traffic.
The links in AI responses will be buying house b followed mainly by an interested audience. This is definitely a plus! How to work with content now to adapt it to new realities. The first and most important thing for a modern. SEO specialist is to study the principles of AI and give it answers to search queries. The basic list of recommendations we can give is as follows. Use a knowledge graph to connect content and pay more attention to structure. AI needs clear and concise structuring. The algorithm will extract key information. So it should be concise, understandable and without “water”.