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What to Post on My School’s Social Media

And the answer lies in the clarity you have about what your.

School wants to use them for, what objectives do you want to achieve? Depending on this answer, your orientation will be what to publish on my school’s social networks.

Social networks are channels


that mainly help a school stay connected with its audience, provide information and get more people to know about it.

Assuming that your objectives are these, the next thing to be clear about is canada phone number data who are they directed to? That is, who are you talking to on them? Parents? Prospects? Students?

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If you are clear about the natural cycle of a parent looking for a school.

You will understand that someone who does not belong to your institution is not going to be.

A fan of your school’s Facebook or Instagram, but they will visit your profiles and check what you publish and how you communicate with your audience.

Therefore, 80% of your content on social networks should be directed to your internal community: parents and students. What to publish? All the functional, emotional and valuable information that your type of parent and/or student appreciates and consumes.

The rest of your content will be directed at generic information for an external audience, let’s say promotions, educational programs, services, registration information and/or admission processes.

Are you following my lead? To summarize


The objective of your social networks is to communicate, inform and make yourself known, addressing yourself mainly to your parents and students, integrating relevant information about your educational offer for the external public.

Now let’s look at the details of the type of content you should develop to if you want to chill in your spare achieve engagement (connection) with those audiences on your social networks.

What should I publish on my school’s social networks? On each one.

The social networks that work best for schools in most Latin database-d American countries and the United States are: Facebook (Parents), Instagram (Parents and Students) and TikTok (Young Parents and Students).

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