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What are the key factors to create viral content

When I started blogging more than 10 years ago, I was obsessed with one thing. I hoped that every article I published would go viral. At the time, we had fewer options to achieve this because there was no Twitter and Facebook was not what it is today. I won’t even mention other social networks. viral contentPhoto rights by Fotolia The post-viral topic is still of great interest. I recently made a poll through the comments of the post, to choose the topic of the next webinar that I was going to teach. Despite having to compete with the monetization topic , the webinar on the generation of viral posts came out on top.

In this post I will briefly summarize

the highlights of the online seminar. Content as the basis of the viral We start from the basis of any viral content: the content. This has to meet certain conditions to achieve the effect in terms of diffusion that we are looking for. Not all criteria japan whatsapp number data necessarily have to be met at the same time, but at least one of them is usually found in content that can be classified as.


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viral Quality content :

“Quality” allows for a relatively broad interpretation. Is humorous content quality? Is it synonymous with well-crafted and well-done? There are “cheap” viral contents, so it is not a mandatory factor. In the world of blogs, “mega-entry” type posts have buying house b that potential. Obviously, writing more than 10,000 words in text format is no guarantee, but there is a certain tendency that more elaborate articles are shared more frequently than shorter ones.

However it can help

to focus on a specific type of audience (athletes, mothers, dentists, vegetarians, etc.) to achieve greater exposure in less time. People who share viral you can save all the work you create content need to be able to identify with it and want to involve others who may feel the same. They facilitate interaction between users : channels such as Twitter and Facebook are often channels for spreading viral content because they simplify interaction between users.

It is easy to share and react to content

Conversation acts as an amplifier that helps reach more people. The fact that content allows users to easily create their own versions can act as gasoline that is added to the fire. Just think of the Harlem Shake phenomenon to understand this dynamic. Live in-person events : content created at in-person events with online dissemination can have viral potential, fulfilling at least one of the factors previously mentioned.