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What about search results that tell you


If you’re a website that’s offering electric scooters within the Philippines, this is a clear indication that you can rank for this keyword. Not only that, the geo-targeted keyword “philippines” ensures that the website will appear way better to people searching from the Philippines and not in other countries if you don’t serve those markets anyway. if you can’t rank for a particular keyword? Take a look at the results for ‘best electric scooters’: keyword research for seo using google search The results indicate web pages that offer guides and listicles that feature a variety of electric scooter brands. The websites that hold these pages offer only news articles and tech reviews.

As a website that offers electric scooters straight

to consumers, it wouldn’t be applicable for you to rank for this keyword. Your website’s intention to sell is mismatched with the websites that provide news and articles as their service. The keywords that you apply to your website must always match what your website offers. How’s My Competition? Ah yes, competitor analysis. Who doesn’t love checking on the competition? For all websites, especially if you’re just starting out your SEO, there will always be a more authoritative website that offers a similar product, service, or information as you do. This is why it’s essential for keyword research that you are able to analyze and study what your competitors are doing to their websites.

Understanding what keywords are they

utilizing and how they’re building their website’s content will not only give you an idea of how to rank your own site but also figure out how authoritative they are. It’s not just about trying to expand your keyword list but also being smart on which keywords to target. Let’s assume we’re trying to broaden our list of keywords for our e-commerce website in the Philippines for electric scooters. And the best way to do this is by using one of my favorite tools, the SE Ranking Competitive Research feature. We’re now able to single out what keywords one of our competitors is ranking for.

competitor analysis for keyword research

using seranking As you can see, the keyword that it presents is associated with the Difficulty metric. This allows users to have a more general idea of how competitive a particular keyword is. By using this information, you’d have a deeper understanding of which keywords to target. If you just newly developed your website, go for lower difficulty. But if you’re building your SEO strategy on an already authoritative website, then you can compete for keywords with higher difficulty. Only after further competitor analysis can you then identify which keyword should be utilized in order to gain more traction.

Hey, they did the hard work, why not learn

from them and put your own effor canada phone number library   into it, eh? What Are My Related And Relevant Keywords? Lastly, with the keywords you’ve managed to list down, add keywords that are closely related to all of them. An easy way to do this is to look up sub-topics and synonyms for your chosen keywords. Why? SEO is holistic. Targeting 1 keyword implies you target many. With the Google Algorithm updates in 2022, the search engine has been particularly inclined to websites that have good topical authority. Google gauges a website’s credibility by also checking based on the number of relevant topics that a website is able to cover.

If you want to be able to rank and write for

the keyword ‘cosmetic dentist, then you’d have to also rank and publish articles for its subtopics such as ‘dental veneers’, ‘dental implants’, and other similar services. Additionally, synonyms should also be included in your list of keywords to target. In the eyes of Google, there are some keywords that express the same meaning when searched. related and relevant keywords for seo Notice the bolded texts when searching for the term ‘cosmetic dentist’. This implies that Google understands that the user is also searching for the term ‘cosmetic dentistry’. This is also the same reason why SEO content writers sprinkle closely related keywords when trying to build content.

Key takeaway With Google’s ever-growing

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updates in its search engine, there enhanced consumer experience   is increasing importance in ensuring your foundations for the keyword strategy you are using for SEO. You want to rank on the #1 spot in Google. I get it. Everyone wants that spot but how come you’ve never been able to get your keywords there consistently? I wrote this guide for you to get some of your keywords there in 30 days or less. Just like a car needs regular tune-ups to keep it running smoothly, your website needs periodic SEO maintenance to help it maintain a high ranking. Here are some routine tasks that me and my team in SEO Hacker do for our client’s website upkeep.

Publish fresh or update old content regularly

One crucial element to maintaining  china data   your website rankings is your content. Without content, search engines can’t take into account that your website is authoritative and trustworthy. With that said, do you consistently create original and satisfying content? Have you also backtracked some of your old content and looked to see if there are articles that needs updating? With Google’s recent helpful content update, it’s important to consider how you create content. Below are some guide questions to help you re-evaluate previously published contentdepth of knowledge from using a product or service? Does your content primarily summarize what.

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