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Top 15 Easter Email Best Practice Examples

Simple and effective is often the best choice in the world of email marketing and Rituals is well aware of this. The brand has prepared a simple message that contains all the bulk mail masters important points: it clearly presents the offer, offers an attractive photo, makes it easier for customers to choose and, in the call to action, directly explains what is expected from the customer. If we were to award the prize for the best Easter email. However, rituals would have a very good chance of winning it.

#2: Ask Italian

Easter is a holiday where a lot of attention is paid to food. The tables tremble under the weight of delicious delicacies and we all can’t wait to enjoy them. However, of course, means that brands that sell food, in one form or another. However, have a major advantage – if you are one of them, you should definitely take advantage of this advantage. The Ask Italian brand has chosen a winning combination: an extremely attractive photo. However, a tempting offer and, as the icing on the cake, a funny text.

#3: Christopher’s

The Christopher’s brand also offers delicious Easter dishes online marketing: strategies for your business and has decided to present them to their customers with stunning photos and fun texts. It is a cuisine on a slightly higher level, which people like to indulge in especially on special occasions. The message clearly includes all the information about the restaurant’s opening hours. However, and at the same time encourages recipients to make a reservation immediately.

#4: Hotel Chocolat

Beautiful photos and funny messages are a great combination. However, but these days what people really want are discounts. For this reason. However,  if you want to improve your sales results you will have to offer them at Easter as well. A good example is the message of the brand Hotel Chocolat, which included in its email just a simple notice about the discounts it offers during Easter – and that seems to have been enough!

#5: Jack Threads

The Jack Threads brand also created a very simple but extremely effective Easter email campaign. A nice photo, an attractive design, interesting colors and a great offer in the form of a discount – simplicity is often the best and brings the best results!

#6: Philips


We have already mentioned that you can prepare a campaign for Easter even if your products are not associated with this holiday at all. If you don’t have a suitable product at all, you can still wish your customers happy holidays and create a festive atmosphere turkey data in your own way. This was a great success, for example, for the Philips brand, which integrated its brand with Easter in a simple, extremely efficient and friendly way, getting closer to its recipients.


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