Home » The General Problem of Adaptability and Personalization in Russia

The General Problem of Adaptability and Personalization in Russia

What’s the problem?
It’s that in the West, adaptability and personalization are already something like a web standard. If anyone has worked with Western customers.T they could see how surprised they are when they are given a separate item in the estimate for an adaptive site.

It’s elementary


take any Western website builder or a modern free WordPress template – almost all templates are adaptive by default.

Our web development market is not yet mature enough, adaptability is presented as some kind belgium phone number data of shamanism (and at a separate price). Personal recommendations are probably also something very expensive and high-tech, right?

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Why are they right there in the West
The fact is that the web will become better and more convenient regardless of the wishes of the participants in the custom.D development market. Take a closer look: we are surrounded by personal recommendations on movie, music sites and just in online stores. The search engine adjusts the results depending on the user’s geolocation. We are being chased by water heater ads, all it took was one careless Google search — here it is, personalized remarketing.
Personalization of everything and everyone is already a standard in the world.

Therefore, there is no point in


artificially holding back progress — it will break through anyway. Personalization should be free, adaptability should be a matter of course. Only this way.

A bit of science fiction. Think about what opportunities would open up if adaptability and personalization worked together.

Now, for example, the designer of an adaptive layout faces a dilemma: which blocks to place on the first screen. He is an expert in his field and ultimately does as he sees fit. But the decision remains subjective — because no one has canceled human subjectivity. As a result, the site is flexible only in terms of content (it can be changed using personalization mechanisms). In terms of structure, everything will be as the designer intended.

On the other hand, what if all this was done not by a single usability swhat jobs do accountants need to do? pecialist, but by a complex.

Mathematical model? Which has at its disposal not just experience and erudition, but thousands of records about the user that characterize his preferences.

A site that works perfectly on his device – no need to scale anything

look at it on a small screen, hit a tiny button with your finger.
A site that shows content recommended to the user, and not “content for all times”. This applies more to data on online stores, where a male user most likely has no desire to see a summer collection of dresses on the first screens.

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