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Personalization is not about manipulating people

— I don’t like it when I’m being spied on.

— So you want to say that you don’t like it when you’re offered goods, services, movies, books, music that you need and instead you want to be offered some leftist that irritates and pisses you off?

— No.

— Then what’s the problem?

— I don’t know, I just don’t like it when I’m being spied on.

As a rule


such senseless arguments are made by those who are against personalization and for privacy. Persecution mania with an inflated sense of self-importance, fueled by mass hysteria about SORM, Prism, KGB, NBC, MI-6 or, God forgive me, SASS, give a slobbering-hysterical reaction in people who are not interested in this very SORM, Prism, KGB, NBC, MI-6 or, God forgive me, SASS.

A person contradicts himself: I’m fed up with stupid advertising && I don’t want my behavior to be analyzed by someone.

But if you dig deeper into advertising and ask people the right questions, a completely different germany phone number data reason emerges: people think that

mobile phone number library

they are being “foisted off.” That they are being forced to buy something. If you are offered to buy a drilling rig (and you are a hipster), then it will be difficult to force the purchase on you. If you are offered a new model of a smartphone with a larger lens for photographing Norwegian salmon in Italian cheese, layered with jamon (it seems I just offended someone’s religious feelings) and you buy it on credit with your last money – you can always blame it on “the advertisers foisted it all on me.”



The essence of personalization is not to convince a person to buy something he does not need. Not to force something useless on him.

The essence is to understand what a person needs, when and why. And give it to him at the moment best online photo editor when he is ready to take it. Ready not when he says “okay, I want to take it, take my money.” But when he is in a state of balance between “shut up and take my money” and “I have some doubts, I am not sure.” You make him an offer and he accepts it.

This all comes back to the question: what will win – privacy or data on personalization. Wake up – privacy died 40 years ago. Personalization has already won. Just relax and try to enjoy what is happening.

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