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Personalization for grocery stores

Grocery stores have their own specifics. Usually, recommendation algorithms work like this: “Vasya has already bought an iPhone 4S, there is no need to recommend him an iPhone 4S anymore.” That is, only those products are recommended that the customer has not yet bought.

In grocery stores


people tend to buy the products that they bought last week, the week before, a month ago, and a year ago: meat, yogurt, ham, God forgive me. And they rarely want to try something new.

Therefore, the task of recommendations in the grocery industry is not to give the greece phone number data customer the most accurate recommendation for a

mobile phone number library

single product (we think that this melon suits you better than ever), but to make sure that he does not forget to buy what he usually buys. And a few other nuances (below).

If we know how much of a certain food a certain customer’s family consumes, we can predict when he will run out of this food and prepare his package for him when he visits the grocery store website.

Developing the theme further


we prepare the parcel in advance and can make a sale only by calling the customer and asking if he has run out of food yet and, if so, offering to deliver the purchases to his home (by the way).

And already having information about the customer’s regular preferences, the store can make additional recommendations to him like “try this cheese with the bottle of wine you just put in your cart.”

When making recommendations for a grocery store, it is necessary to take into account that, unlike household appliances, products spoil faster (the exception is Big Mac patties, which last for years), therefore, unlike a household appliance this is necessary to make store, which is concerned with expanding the range of goods, a grocery store is concerned with reducing the range of goods to the most effective. The fewer goods you have that most of your customers buy, the less of it spoils in the warehouse.

And there is another mistake that novice recommendation services make: everyone data on buys bananas, so bananas have the highest rating among the entire range of stores. These bananas are bought with this wine. The most popular item in this store is these bananas.

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