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Omni-channel: the infallible strategy of Retail Marketing

Sun Romeo
Sun Romeo
Chief Marketing Officer at fromDoppler. He loves British music, fashion and communications.

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The world of retail is taking a truly innovative turn. Discover the keys to Omni-channel here and find out why you can’t miss out on this revolutionary trend.

Customer service across multiple channels has been commonplace for some time now . Companies rely on social media , email marketing , websites, physical branches, eCommerce and much more to give users more opportunities to connect with the brand and thus satisfy their desires and needs.

So, what is this huge transformation that is delivering such good results? Continue reading this post and find out what the Omni-channel experience is and why you should also start thinking about such a strategy.

What is Omni-channel Marketing?
The Omni-channel approach is nothing more and nothing less than the most efficient way to provide a consistent and fluid brand experience across all the channels and devices a customer uses to interact with it.

This type of marketing puts the customer at the centre of the strategy , with the customer being the one who chooses which channel to use, how and when to do it. And they won’t have to explain anything to anyone. The brand works in a systematic way so that the customer’s experience is completely transparent when moving from one channel to another.

In fact, many times the customer will not even

A choose the channel, but the brand will do some “magic” so that he can buy what he saw on a channel somewhere else or to provide him with some benefit that he never even imagined.

The idea is to use all the information obtained from consumers through each channel, to get to know  snbd host  them better and be able to offer them personalized services, according to their tastes and interests. The ultimate goal is to facilitate and improve the customer experience .

For example, if you’ve seen some shoes through eCommerce that you’re crazy about and you want to see them in person in a store, the company could make it so that when you enter the store your shoes are pointed out with a light a the forever lasts for nd ready for you to try them on. Tell me if this wouldn’t blow your mind. Well, there are brands that already do it . Congratulations!

But this is just a first glimpse. Keep reading to find out more details about this great trend that the biggest companies are already implementing. Don’t miss the examples!

Keys to developing an Omni-channel strategy
An important aspect of this type of approach is that there must be joint collaboration between the company and the consumer for it to be successful. Otherwise, the company would not have information about the customers to develop its strategy.

All channels must be highly synergized . Then, the user can rely on any of them according to their needs and will not notice any difference when switching from one to another.

To achieve this, the company must not only align the information it has about its customers across all its media, but also the messages, objectives, design and everything that makes up a brand , including of course offline channels.

There should be no stock differences, no inconveniences in the way of distribution, and even less distortion in the messages. The customer should not notice that these are different channels .


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