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Key metrics for the top of the funnel

Determine what you want to achieve with your thought leadership efforts. Common goals include awareness! share of voice! engagement on thought leadership content! and even sales leads generated.

Can include website traffic! social media engagement! new social media followers! and content shares. Bottom of the funnel metrics can include lead quality! MQL to SQL conversion rate! and repeat customer growth.

Identify key themes and issues

A combination of internal and external sources oman telegram data can help ensure your content is relevant! well-informed and timely. Take advantage of the knowledge and experience of your executive and management teams! as well as those on the front lines with your customers.

You can supplement this internal research with external research: examine competitor content! third-party research! and social media posts from industry leaders.

oman telegram data

Create high-quality content

Set a schedule for content creation and publishing! ensuring the same cannot be said of consistency and variety of formats (blogs! white papers! webinars! podcasts! etc.). It’s better to publish a smaller amount of higher-quality content at a less frequent pace than to opt for speed and quantity at the expense of quality.

It’s also crucial to ensure your content burkina faso leads contains useful! actionable tips designed to help your audience excel at their job.

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