Home » Blog » I’ll give you an idea sell the leads that haven’t

I’ll give you an idea sell the leads that haven’t

Today I bring you a new idea. In this case it is not mine but from a third party whom I did not consult before writing this post. I hope that when he reads it (if he ever reads it) he does not take it the wrong way. Since it does not harm him (and could even benefit him) I take the liberty of sharing this idea with you. recycle contactsPhoto rights by Fotolia Imagine that you have generated a contact from a potential client and you have sent them a job proposal.

Let’s say that for some reason they didn’t like it

It could be because they like your face, they had a temporary problem, they went over budget or whatever. Even if their needs, timing and your lebanon whatsapp number data offer didn’t fit, they may still be interested in the service or product they requested . Customers are like couples. There has to be a feeling and mutual attraction to start a relationship. You may not be the ideal partner, but another company, person or agency may be. So



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This way,leads that didn’t convert the first time

could generate income for you in a second step. What do you think about the ideaI’m still not 100% sure if the first part of today’s title could be mistaken for a self-help post. Whatever the case, that’s where the point lies. webinar choosePhoto rights by Fotolia This post is another example of how to create a participatory post .


Course for Bloggerthat will have a free part

with more than 10 videos and about 5 hours of material If you want us to notify you for it, make sure you are signed up. Well, let’s get to the buying house b point of the post. You have 3 topics to choose from. The webinar that gets the most votes through comments will take place within the next 14 days. I had thought about these possible topics. Contents [ hide ] 1 Webinar 1: How to get a viral post and receive thousands of visits.

Webinar 3: How to use your

blog to launch new projects of your own and of others Webinar 1: How to make a post go viral and receive thousands of visits to your blog This is what many bloggers aspire to with each new post. To launch that post that goes viral and attracts how to apply the law of supply and demand? visitors like ants when you leave crumbs on the living room floor in summer (in my case I still haven’t been able to get rid of them). Types of content that have viral potential.

Webinar 2: Monetize your blog:

how to make money without harming your community This is what all (or many) bloggers dream of but very few achieve. Above all, generating long-term income without burning out your most loyal readers is a

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