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I just want to make the name

Human Design said it was a perfect match, but I understand it myself. We complement each other perfectly, and this is his first business that is growing at such a good pace. I couldn’t resist googling your numbers from the title before the interview.

I found out that 1642 meters is the maximum depth of Baikal

Why did you choose this value as the name?  laconic and stylish. And this is the only name that everyone lik. What did you do after podcasts, books, and choosing a name? How did you raise your start-up capital? I start by creating an Instagram* and making a website myself for three thousand rubles.

After a while, reels start

Flying in, and in April, they bought their first trip from us for 60 thousand, paying 100% of the cost right away. We invest this money right away. 60 thousand for a week-long trip is still quite a lot for a “camp”. How do you set the price? Last year home owner database we bought everything from scratch.


home owner database


Each person got individual tents

Sleeping bags, sleeping mats (tourist mats, Masters’ note), a full kitchen, dishes, sup-boards, a sauna and toilets. This also includes five meals a day, merch, salaries, and this year we plan to increase the number of participants. Of course, the main ut if he stops making hands-on base has been purchas, but we will be buying additional tents, replacing the kitchen with a more functional one, and in many ways improving our living conditions even more.

Purchasing quiet generators for electricity in

The taiga, hot water from the heater, transporting materials, food, participants it seems to me that our vouchers are quite cheap for such conditions. There are few places where there is such a good combination of wild nature and the civilization we tg data are accustom to. And I said this only about living expenses, not to mention the fact that we are a camp, not just a recreation center.

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