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Factors to consider for your Seasonal Campaign

Timing: Prepare a calendar to properly organize your Campaigns according to the objective of each piece. Plan from the beginning of the year the special dates on which you want to offer a different piece and send your Seasonal Email with an incredible promotion or an emotional greeting.
Remember that if you include discounts with expiration dates in your Campaign, you should not resend the item as is, but rather update its validity . In the same way, do not resend the Campaign to those who have already opened it because rather than generating a positive impact, you will make your action backfire.

If you send emails for special actions, take a reasonable amount of time to really promote your game or raffle . Spread it with Campaigns that vary the Subject or the content of the piece and make them go viral on social networks . You will make you advertising database r action have the breadth and impact it deserves !

Email Subjects: During these special dates

advertising database

A ierce battle is fought in the mailboxes and the Emails of all the companies shout “open to me!” The competition for openings will be fierce and the key will be to effectively manage the Subject and the pre-header of your Email; the first contact between your company and your clients .
To do this, Nadia advises you to use original Subjects, symbols that stand out, creative words and phrases that attract attention. You can also activate the pre-header of your Email to provide more information about your Campaign.

Design and content: Appeal to emotions and the human factor! Focus on developing creative designs and content so that all the investment of your resources or money is not in vain. Nadia recommends avoiding all types of cold language but rather letting your heart blossom in the Campaign.
You can use resources and elements to generate emotion. Use elements that are already in the collective imagination, such as the magic sleigh or Santa Claus with a reindeer. Campaigns that feature his less mythical, more human presence and are closer to your customers guarantee success!

Segment and personalize

Offer your users deals based on their interests and make them feel that the campaign was specifically designed for each one of them. Personalize your mailings and make each customer feel unique and special! Remember that not all of your subscribers will want to receive all kinds of information.
Analysis and testing: Evaluate what works and what isn’t performing well. For example, you can measure last Christmas’s mailings and optimize this year’s campaign based on the results.
You can also run A/B Test Campaigns for both the Subject and the Content and let your users decide which message they prefer to receive. Have you not sent this type of Campaign yet? Learn what it consists of and what its benefits are in this comprehensive post .

Make your campaign go viral: Make your greeting, offer or promotion reach more people b ws data y integrating your actions with Social Media . If they liked your piece, they will surely share it!
Thanks to Social Email Marketing , you will allow your Subscribers to take yo effective business data accuracy ur Campaign to their networks. Don’t deprive yourself of using creativity and emotion in the design and content of your piece and thus you will encourage your clients to raise their voice and share the feeling generated.




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