From awareness of need to purchase
Sometimes it is very useful to look at your business from the outside: how exactly the client comes to the point that he needs your product. How he lebanon phone number list searches for information and makes a decision, how he buys and evaluates. Understanding the entire customer journey and choosing the right tools , you can lead him to a purchase easier, cheaper and faster.
Awareness of need
The client understands that he has a need or a problem, but he has not yet thought about its solution. It is at this stage that our task is to introduce the client to the product and demonstrate ( convincingly, but not too intrusively ). What benefits he can expect from cooperation with us.
The main difficulty is that you have to work with a wide audience and cold clients.
Let’s assume that a potential client is already beginning to realize that things can’t go on like this, and it doesn’t matter what the problem is.The main thing is that at this point your future client is starting to look for information, but he has no idea yet how to solve the problem.
What tools to use
- Contextual advertising. This advertising is shown to users based on their interests and search querie. For example, a client enters a search query “How to renovate an office in Moscow” and sees an advertisement for a company that specializes in renovating office premises, and promises to do it quickly and efficiently.
- Special projects. We want to say right away: special projects are not the easiest to implement, but they are a very effective solution. Selecting list of real mobile phone numbers a format that will work specifically. Customer Journey for your product, creating content and presenting it in an unconventional way, tracking the result – all this requires both the relevant knowledge and a lot of effort. As practice shows, companies that implement creative ideas. Customer Journey and are not afraid to attract maximum attention to themselves always inspire more trust from the audience.
- Affiliate marketing. “Friendship by calculation” was and remains one of the most effective promotion tools, and aimed specifically at expanding the audience.