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Christy’s Account I Notic That

In christy’s account I notic that the keyword ski clothing in broad match had a very low ctr so in this case I would recommend pausing that keyword and adding it to phrase match to increase relevance. If the keyword is on exact or phrase but is not getting much traffic then try adding it as modifi broad match or broad match to open up a larger volume of traffic. Optimize ads and create new ad texts if you are not continuously optimizing your ad texts then you have a problem! Good ad text is a critical step in attracting searchers to your website.

Your Ads Are Not Compelling

If your ads are not compelling and relevant to your keywords, searchers will not click on them, resulting in less traffic to your website. You should test and adjust your ad copy regularly to improve performance. Do you have a spring sale or offer a special discount or event? Add that to your ad text! If you decide to offer an extra discount on clearance items during the summer, make sure to clearly state this in your ad text.

Ads Have a Great History

Christy’s ads have a great history of performance, with many impressions and a high ctr. Here are some tips you can take from chr chinese australia isty’s ad copy. She does a great job with relevance. For example, in her rental clothing ad group, she is capturing potential customers who visit her website’s homepage. She does this by using keywords such as snow clothing rentals, rental ski clothing rentals, rental ski clothing, etc.

special database

Keywords Are All Highly Relevant

Her keywords are all highly relevant to the ads she has written, which undoubtly plays a role in her high ctr. High-perfor sneakers are chic ming ad text she uses ad variations in each ad group, I usually recommend running two desktop ads and two mobile ads at the same time to test which one performs better. Christy has done this and is able to easily compare the performance between the ads. For example, christie found that using free shipping in her ad caus some confusion so she decid to adjust this ad text to improve performance.

Can Also Try Changing Your

You can also try chan database d ging your headline punctuation and unique selling props. She enabl sitelink extensions. Sitelinks extend the presence of christie’s ad copy, thereby driving more clicks and traffic to her website. Her website links have generat over impressions and clicks with a ctr of . The ad copy for brand sitelinks is simple and clear and contains a clear call to action. For example, call to reserve your gear.

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