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Bucci Ingegnere meccanico

contact name: Bucci contact job function details: ingegnere meccanico contact job function: contact job title: Ingegnere meccanico contact job seniority:


Kier CEO

contact name: Kier contact job function details: ceo contact job function: contact job title: CEO contact job seniority: c_suite contact


Gotti CAO

contact name: Gotti contact job function details: cao contact job function: contact job title: CAO contact job seniority: c_suite contact


Piccolo Amministratore

contact name: Piccolo contact job function details: amministratore contact job function: contact job title: Amministratore contact job seniority: entry contact


Altomani Head of Sales

contact name: Altomani contact job function details: sales contact job function: sales contact job title: Head of Sales contact job


Mazzoni Ceo

contact name: Mazzoni contact job function details: ceo contact job function: contact job title: Ceo contact job seniority: c_suite contact

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