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A product manager must have both strong logical

An experienced project manager will either prevent them or resolve the conflict in time. Managing expectations. Company management often expects quick and tangible results from the product manager. To avoid disappointment, it is better to discuss expectations in advance: formalize them in the form of specific and realistic KPIs. The job of a product manager is difficult because, on the one hand, the specialist must have an analytical mind.

After all, he analyzes large amounts of

Information, identifies the main points and forms a long-term strategy. On the other hand, a good product manager is a creative person with flexible thinking norway phone number library who can look at a situation from an unconventional angle. thinking and creativity. Hard Skills The main professional skill of a product manager is that he must have a good understanding of the field in which he works. For example, if a product manager oversees a construction site.

They must be proficient in construction

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Technologies and know the differences between different materials. If a specialist works in IT, they must have a basic understanding of frontend and backend development, understand UI/UX design, and know programming languages. Here are a few more hard skills that will come in handy in the work of a product manager: Building development processes. Knowledge of Scrum and Kanban methodology , roadmap building skills , and ability to work with CRM systems and task trackers will help with this.

Building a customer journey — CJM (customer journey map)

This is a set of steps that a customer takes from getting to know the product to making a purchase. Working with metrics , including financial ones: you need to be for your things un de able to calculate unit economics. Conducting research. Including qualitative and quantitative. Need skills in customer segmentation, market and competitor analysis, testing ideas and tg data hypotheses. Analytical tools: These include Excel and Google Analytics, as well as the SQL and Python query languages, which help you work with large databases. Preparation of documentation. For example, design and accounting. The exact list of required hard skills depends on the specifics of the company’s work. Demand for the profession A product manager is a relatively new, but already very popular profession.

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