Conversion rate : this is a metric that serves to define how much a company’s audience in a given mia is converting.
You also ne to be careful when the contract agency only delivers basic metrics, such as number of likes, shares and reach, without any relation to other factors.
There are many relevant metrics, but there are also those we call vanity metrics. They are only good for the ego. of situation is when the agency only delivers to the client the number of clicks on the ad, and not the CPL (Cost per Lead), that is, the value of each lead acquir.
The content may have perform
Well due to the time it was kuwait email list publish, the artwork may have been visually appealing, or it may have captur attention in the right way, etc. But how many of those leads were qualifi? How much revenue did the campaign generate? What was the ROAS? That’s the difference between a vanity metric and a quality metric.
Are vanity metrics important? Yes, they are, but only when cross-referenc with other data. Getting into the performance layer of your business strategies is essential. It is one of the main roles of an agency . If your company only provides you with superficial metrics, it may be time to rethink that contract.
How does DDWB deliver results?
In general, an agency what makes branded content different from other strategies? can structure the control spreadsheets and reports to transform data into information. It is up to the contract digital marketing company to request from the client anything that it does not have access to through its own efforts.
Here at DDWB afb directory we send weekly and monthly reports, quarterly presentations and a dashboard exclusively creat for our clients with the main metrics to be analyz.