This is the case of defending self-love, taking care of one’s appearance without generating comparisons with others, etc. Thus, Dove products are presented to the public as an aid in the search for the ideals defended.
In the previous topic, you already discovered some benefits of investing in branded content. Now it’s time to learn more about them. Check it out:
brand recall: creating brand content related to the brand’s profile and audience helps it stay in consumers’ minds;
Trust: companies that make
their ideals clear and create a connection with the public can offer more credibility than those that focus on direct sales ;
omnipresence: producing branded content naturally and in different formats is an alternative to remaining in the public’s memory without necessarily appearing excessive and bothering them.
How to make branded content?
After understanding indonesia email list the benefits behind branded content, it’s time to learn how to put this strategy into practice. Check it out!
Develop success stories
In an increasingly competitive market, especially with the democratization offered by the internet, it is difficult to attract the public’s attention. After all, consider that you can compete for attention on the internet with various niches and even personal accounts. Therefore, developing success stories is the best way out.
In this sense, focus on:
positive aero leads emotions;
happy ending;
Focus on the message
As you can difference between whatsapp messenger, whatsapp business app and business api see throughout the reading, the focus of branded content is not direct sales. Therefore, focus on conveying a message and make sure that it achieves the objectives already mentioned in this strategy. This is the case of recognizing values, connecting with the public, etc.
Understand the public’s interest
The objectives mentioned can hardly be achieved if the message developed is misaligned with the interests of the public. In this sense, your brand needs to carry out market research.